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Featured article
2 hours ago
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The Benefits of Foliar Feeding: A Guide to Nourishing Your Plants
As gardeners, we often focus on the soil as the primary source of nutrients for our plants. Howe...
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Soil vs. Coco Coir: A Comparison for Growing Plants
When it comes to growing plants, one of the most critical decisions you’ll make is the growing m...
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Understanding Horticultural Lighting: Shedding Light on Plant Growth
If you're a plant enthusiast, you've probably heard the term "horticultural lighting" tossed ar...
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How Plants Take in Nutrients: The Science Behind Growth
Plants are fascinating organisms that sustain life on Earth, not only by producing oxygen but al...
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The Art of Taking Plant Cuttings: A Beginner's Guide
If you're a plant lover looking to expand your green family without breaking the bank, takin...
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